How to install git bash on mac
How to install git bash on mac

how to install git bash on mac

how to install git bash on mac

Set a new value for the credential.helper configuration (essentially repeating the manual configuration installation step, being careful with quoting and spaces), changing the value of the debug property to true (or false to disable). !java -Ddebug=false =true -jar /home/example/git-credential-manager/git-credential-manager-2.0.4.jar Update the Homebrew/Linuxbrew formulae to make sure you have the latest versions:

how to install git bash on mac

Installing on Mac using Homebrew or on Linux using Linuxbrew (recommended) If you can't use any of the package managers, you can also download git-credential-manager-2.0.4.jar somewhere safe and stable, such as ~/git-credential-manager/, and then follow the instructions for automatic or manual configuration. On Linux, it is recommended to use Linuxbrew or an RPM-based package manager if you can. On Mac OS X, installing via Homebrew is highly recommended.

  • Mac OS X version 10.9.5 and up OR a recent GNU/Linux distribution.
  • If you find a compatibility issue, please report it and provide as many details about your platform as necessary to reproduce the problem. Great care was taken to avoid using any features of Java that would impact compatibility with Java 6.


    This document explains how to obtain the Git Credential Manager for Mac and Linux (GCM4ML) and how to configure Git to use the GCM4ML as its credential helper.

    How to install git bash on mac